Monday, September 3, 2007

Ally ~ July and August 2007

This picture was taken just before Ally's first "sick" visit to the doctor. While she looks happy here, she was actually quite cranky! Ally had her first cold and her first ear infection. Thanks daycare!

Ally's crib was in our bedroom until she was almost 9 months old. In the background, Dad is setting up the crib in Ally's room. She transitioned to sleeping by herself with no problems at all!

Ally after a bath.

Ally loves her swimming pool!

She's not amused that we're taking her picture with food all over her face.

Ally in her walker, playing with the blinds. She has lots of toys, yet the blinds are more entertaining.

1 comment: said...

Cute shots. What's up with Chad's legs in pictures? The food on the face is great.