Sunday, June 29, 2008

Finally, some new pictures!

Ally sure is growing fast and insistant about doing almost everything by herself. She recently got tubes in her ears so hopefully we won't be at the Dr's office every other week with an ear infection. So far we've had a fun summer. We've spent some time on the boat. We still haven't made it to the pool or to the zoo, but hope to get there soon.

Recently, I changed positions at work and for the 1st time in 4 years I have "normal people" hours rather than working an evening shift(by the way, this will be the 1st time that Chad and I have been a similar work schedule, EVER!). While that gives me more time at home with Chad, it also means that Ally is spending more time at daycare. She's gone from spending 3 hours a day at daycare to 8 hours a day. She seems to be adjusting well and even asks about her friends Kate and Gigi when she gets up in the morning. Lately, Grandma Rader and Grandpa Downey have been "springing" her from daycare at taking her shopping and to see the puppies at Uncle Bill's.

One day after surgery...eating rasins and standing way to close to the camera

Who doesn't love stawberries and whipped cream?

Learning to drive.

Taking a dip.

Having a snack.

Working hard to help Grandpa Rader get the boat cleaned up and in the water.

1 comment:

BYOF said...

She is growing up so fast! Big news, Nik and I are going to have a baby! Hope all is well. Congrats on the new hours at work. Call me sometime, lunch or dinner or whatever.