Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ally ~ February 2008

It's been awhile since our last post! At the end of last year, I took a different position at work. With that position, my hours changed to 3:30pm-12am. While my new hours give me lots more time with Ally, not much else gets done around the house. Ally is such an early riser, that with my new late hours, I think I got more sleep when she was a newborn. Luckily, she takes about a 2 hours nap after lunch, most days I join her!

Chad has been working hard, getting ready for the 2008 race season. We're very happy that he will not be going to as many races this year, as he did last year. Since he'll be home more this summer, hopefully we'll finally be able to get some landscaping done!

Ally is 14 months old now! She just got over her 3rd bout of pneumonia since October. This time, no hospital stay was requied! She's walking all over the place and getting into everything! She climbs into cabinents. She's saying lots of words. Other than Mama and Dada, she says "cheese", "doggie", "shoes", "cracker", "thank you", "hi", and of course, "NO". We can't get over how long her hair has gotten. We're really enjoying watching her grow and explore. She brings home beautiful artwork from school that adornes our refrigerator. Her little scribbles fill us with pride!

Ally likes to sit at her little table that is up in the loft with her play kitchen. Most of the time she can get in the chair by herself, but on the days she struggles, she gets really mad and knocks the chair over.

Ally pulled her toys out of the storage container and climbed on in.

"Here, you try!" Ally calls her pacifier a "boe". "Boe" may have to go bye bye sometime soon. She doesn't use it when she's at school and gets though the 3 hours she's there just fine. The only problem is, she had them hidden all over the house. If I take one away from her, 5 minutes later, she has another one in her mouth.

Ally likes to pull everything out of the cabinents.

Ally really likes to sit on the steps and play. Here, she is getting ready to address her Valentines for her friends at school.

All bundled up and ready to face the freezing weather. Suprisingly, she was able to walk in this get up.

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